Stephen Landis

Two Poems from Stephen Landis – PAROUSIA Magazine


In the thickness of time lies threads unseen
Grace weaves its tale, a tale serene.
From the Heavens above to earth down here,
A warm embrace, a hug, so snug and near.
Not earned nor won, this gift to us bestowed,
An ocean of amazing love has flowed.

This grace, unearned, our souls have strength to wake
To give each heartbeat, each breath we take.
Just as this grace will dance and share a song,
We too will need to sing and dance along,
To mirror God’s love with one another
So more may see His grace to discover.

For I Am But a Cloud
For I am but a cloud
Sailing calmly in the breeze,
Though the wind may not care
For the marvel it frees.
For today you shall find
A new painting in the sky,
But by sunset, I'll pass
With one last bid goodbye.
If there's one thing to leave:
Find the beauty in all.
For I am a mere cloud,
And my time will be small.

Stephen Landis
a poet from Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. He is a two-times published author of Joy in Verse: Christian Poems to Stir the Spirit and Stepping into Faith: Ten Faith-building Practices for New Christians.

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